Can I Claim Compensation for Workplace Stress?

People usually picture someone who has suffered physical harm by accident at work, such as slipping while working, being injured with harmful chemicals, getting squashed by a mechanical device, or even losing a hand in a mechanical accident. Worker’s compensation claim, on the other hand, covers more than only accidents-related injuries. It also provides benefits to workers who get ill due to their jobs, particularly those who suffer from work-related psychological illnesses.

In 2020, 79% of British people experienced work-related stress. As a result, work-related stress is the most frequent type of stress in the United Kingdom. Certain professions can put a person under a lot of stress. Some occupations are particularly upsetting, such as high-pressure employment in the emergency services, but even the most routine jobs may be difficult.

Many individuals believe that stress is a normal condition that serves as an easy excuse to skip work. Extreme stress, on the other hand, can create major health issues (such as a panic attack, exhaustion, sleep deprivation, sickness, loss of weight, and decreased appetite), which can have dangerous effects.

Psychological or Emotional Work Stress Claims

If you’ve failed to properly work due to stress, you may be thinking about how to deal with income loss or if filing a compensation claim is a viable option.

Psychological stress is more challenging to verify and, as a result, compensation is more difficult to get. Worker’s compensation rules differ by country or city; however, in certain jurisdictions, psychological stress claims are not covered. This might be because proving that psychological distress was caused by your employment is more challenging than proving it was caused by something else in your life.

You can seek compensation for work-related stress, specifically for the medical conditions it creates. But, you may only do so if your stress-related sickness is serious enough to justify filing a claim and you have a medical condition diagnosis.

Mental health is viewed similarly to physical health, thus, stress-related harm to mental well-being is effectively likely to cause injury. Workers may be eligible for workers’ compensation if they can demonstrate that their employment caused them stress and that they are unable to perform regularly as a result.




If you’re experiencing job-related stress, you should seek professional assistance to determine if you may pursue legal action and compensation. Wembley Solicitor can help you with compensations claims. We also provide expert solicitor advice for debt recovery claims, accident claims, and personal injury claims.

Call us at 020 3417 3700 and check out our fees for your case!

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