Custody Law: What Can I Do To Help Win Custody Rights?

As a company of solicitors that works closely with family law and other legal services, divorce and child custody law is something we have to address often. Even as professionals, working as child custody solicitors is often an emotionally heavy and sometimes heartbreaking experience.

At the same time, given our experience, we also know what kind of actions help clients win custody rights and what kind of actions do the opposite.

Custody Rights: Helping the Court Rule In Your Favour

Before we proceed, it is important to remember that as a parent, someone caught in a custody battle or someone looking to fight one, you need to think about your children. Not your ego, not what YOU want but what is best for your children.

One article posted by Psychology Today elaborates on how important it is for children to have contact and access to both parents even post divorce. If you’re a parent who truly wants what is best for your young ones and nothing else, here are some things you can do to help prove your competence so the court rules in your favour.

Get it Together

If the separation, divorce and ensuing custody battle had anything to do with negative behaviours you may harbour, start by getting your affairs in order. If it’s addiction, seek support and rehab, if it’s anxiety, seek therapy, if it’s financial, look into how you can improve your finances.

Don’t be entitled if the reason the family fell apart has a lot to do with your behaviour. Get it together and be the responsible adult and parent your children need!

Show Up on Time and at your Best

It does not matter whether this is for custody hearings or simply to pick the children up from your ex-partners house for your designated day of the week. If you have said you would be present at a given time make sure you’re there.

Further, don’t just rock up in some unsavoury state (ie. Reeking of alcohol, unkempt, in a bad mood). When you go to meet your ex, lawyers, for court hearings, or to see your kids, be punctual and be the best version of yourself.

Work on the Bond

Even if your child is not living with you and you have certain court orders preventing contact, there are ways you can work on the bond you share. You can send gifts on birthdays, show up for school events and functions, be available to them over the phone when they need you and so on.

Don’t step on your exes toes and respect any legal or personal boundaries stated however don’t lose touch with your children completely if you can help it.

Stay Respectful

Even if your ex partner is completely in the wrong and simply using your children to hurt you, you need to stand your ground. Don’t get roped in to shouting matches or arguments. Try and keep records of your activities as well as conversations with your ex.

Above all, keep it respectful. Even if you don’t agree, being civil will take how you appear to the judge and others involved a long way.

Plan Things Out

As parents, we sometimes invest so much of ourselves legally battling our ex partners that we forget to make arrangements for the possibility that open shared custody will be granted. If you are indeed looking to co-parent the right way, make sure you’re making arrangements by way of space and finances for when your children do live with you again!

In Conclusion

Apart from following the steps above, it would help to hire the services of a skilled child custody solicitor. Such a professional would help streamline the custody process for you, look after the complicated documentation and help raise your chances of winning custody of your children.

If you require any more help or support with regard to custody law, feel free to reach out to us. Other than that, follow the steps above and everything should be okay!

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