How to Claim Asylum in the UK?

An individual who has a legitimate fear of persecution in their home country because of racial, religious, national and political factors can seek a safe haven in another country by claiming asylum.

An asylum is essentially a form of protection provided by a country to foreign nationals who can prove that their lives are in danger in their homelands.

According to the UN Refugee Agency, the UK receives one of the highest numbers of asylum applications in all of the EU member states. The number of appeals, in 2018, reached more than 29,380, which was 11% higher than it was in 2017.

If you want to apply for asylum in the UK, here’s what you need to know.

What’s the Eligibility Criteria?

To claim asylum in the UK, you must be able to show that you’re unable to live safely in your home country. You’re an eligible candidate if you’ve failed to receive any kind of guaranteed protection from the local authorities. You must also not be a part of any of the EU member countries, nor should you have claimed asylum in any of them.

What about Your Family Members?

Your spouse and children who are under 18 can be included as dependents when you’re filing your application.

What are the Required Documents?

Some required documents that you must submit along with your application include your passport and your dependent’s—if applicable, your identity card, education documents and police clearance certificates. You can also add any other supporting documents that you believe will strengthen your application.

Registering Your Application

The next step is called ‘screening,’ in which you’ll have a meeting with an immigration officer, who’ll discuss your case with you. You’ll be interviewed in detail, and have your photography and fingerprints taken.

You’ll have to schedule an appointment at the asylum intake unit for the screening of your application.

What Happens after the Screening?

After your application has been screened, your case will go over to a caseworker, who’ll be in charge of interviewing you and making the final decision for your application. The entire process can take up to 6 months.

If you want to make the process of claiming asylum in the UK smooth and increase your chances of getting an approval, get in touch with Wembley Solicitors today!

We’re a law firm dedicated to providing expert support and legal advice to parties looking to resolve legal issues such as immigration, divorce, boundary disputes, accident claims, and more!

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