If a Wild Animal Crashes into My Car, Who is Responsible for the Crash?

When another car crashes into your car, it’s easy to get to the bottom of the issue. Once negligence and/or responsibility is determined, you simply try to get compensation from the person who was to blame. However, what happens when an animal crashes into the vehicle you’re in?

Whose responsibility is it?

Not the Animal’s, Of Course

Unless the animal is “owned” by someone—such as a pet dog or cat—this is a tricky situation. Wild animals such as deer and reindeer don’t give you a lot of room for legal manoeuvring.

On the other hand, if it’s livestock, you can (and should!) file a claim against the farmer in question. Before you begin feeling bad about their dead (or injured) livestock, remember that most farmers in the UK have their livestock insured. Besides, it was their job to keep the livestock in their pens and not on the roads.


If you hit a stray cat or dog, don’t be too quick to dismiss it as kismet and move on. Determine if it’s a stray first. It could be a former pet who was under the care of someone. In such cases, the former owner is liable to pay you your dues, and this is usually covered under home insurance.

What if I Hit a Deer?

Deer deaths are very common, and they don’t just happen on country roads. If you hit a deer on the road, follow the same formula: try and determine ownership. If you’re lucky, you might find that it belongs to a venison farm or to a national park. In this case, you can definitely get compensated.

Having Trouble with Personal Injury Claims?

Get in touch with a lawyer from Wembley Solicitors if you’re facing trouble with car accident claims or any personal injury law matter in the UK. Remember: Legal battles are always easier with an attorney on your side.



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