The Eviction Process for Tenants

Eviction is a tricky process and can take a lot more time than you can imagine. Your landlord cannot expel you unless the contract has been terminated first. This normally entails providing you with sufficient written notice in a specific manner and format. The owner can file a lawsuit for evicting you if you don’t relocate after getting sufficient notice

According to a research report, around 400,000 private tenants were in danger of eviction in London due to rent arrears. Hence, this tells us how landlords and tenant disputes should not be taken lightly. This blog will be your guide in explaining the eviction process for tenants.


The eviction process starts with an eviction notice. According to the basis for eviction, landlords can issue tenants with numerous forms of warnings. An eviction notice should be duly issued, and the renter would have failed to respond or depart inside the deadline provided. Following are some common eviction notices:


To succeed against removal for failing to pay rent in court, the renter must prove that they don’t owe the payment that the owner is attempting to recover. You aren’t required to evacuate the property within 14 days of receiving a 14-days eviction notice. Learn more about this notice here.


A tenant who is breaching a clause of the rental contract may be given a ten-day notification to rectify or quit by the owner. The notification should specify which portion of the tenancy contract is broken and give the renter ten days to comply with it. You can contact tenancy solicitors for help in this regard.


If you remain in the apartment even after the original notice has ended, the owner should have the eviction lawsuit served on you by a third party, such as a court officer. You will immediately lose your eviction if you do not answer the Summoning complaint filed against you. The timeframe for response is usually one week after you get them.


After summoning, you might be served with a show-cause notice shortly.  This is a notification of your next appearance in court. Both parties will go to court if the tenant responds to the case. The renter has the opportunity to present any defences to the eviction case during the hearing of show cause. At the show cause hearing, tenants may be entitled to get legal assistance. The judge will hear both sides of the argument before making a decision.


The eviction process of the tenants can be complex, and most of the cases go in favour of landlords. Hence, you need to be careful and always comply with the contract agreement. Want to know more? Wembley Solicitors are happy to help. Being an experienced legal firm in the field, we can offer you legal advice about getting a legal separation, loan agreement disputescar passenger accident claims in Middlesex, UK, or services related to UK immigration law, etc.

Contact us for more details.

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