UK Immigration 101: The Truth about Fake Marriages

According to statistics, every hour, a fake marriage takes place in the UK.

7606, fake weddings were reported to Home office in 2013 alone. Because of this, the UK government passed the immigration bill.

Fake marriages are sham civil partnerships where the purpose is to get immigration advantage. These people are not in an actual relationship. According to home office, fake marriages are the basis for 4,000–10,000 immigration applications.

Here is everything you need to know about fake marriages:

Why do people enter in fake marriages

For most people, fake marriages are an attractive option, which allows them to become citizens of UK.  In the last couple of years, requirements for immigrants to acquire UK work or study visa have become rigid because of which people opt for fake marriages.

Immigrants can do the following:

  • Apply under immigration laws and become residents of UK as spouse of a British citizen.
  • Risk detection by immigration enforcement and then apply for residency based on right to respect for family life.
  • Apply for a residence card under the immigrations regulations 2006 and reside in UK.

Links to criminal activity

People in fake marriages often use the services of criminal elements or individuals facilitators. Research shows that people pay up to £20,000 to these people for their assistance.

Why UK government needs to take action against fake marriages

In the last, couple of years, the authorities have received several cases related to fake marriages.

Any visitor who comes to UK can use this route to become a resident of UK. There are no language, accommodation or maintenance requirements. The authorities need to prove that the marriage is sham. It is not compulsory for non-residents to apply for a residence card.

The authorities do not have any basis on which they can place a procedure for identification of sham marriages. There are also barriers, which prevent the sharing of information. Registration officials do not have the power to disclose information like the nationality of people of the couple.

Benefits of bill preventing fake marriages

A proper bill like the immigration bill is effective since it allows the authorities to establish a procedure, which helps them counter fake marriages. According to the Bill, all proposed marriages are referred to the Home Office.

If there is evidence for a potential fraud, then Home Office can extend the notice period and conduct an investigation regarding the nature of the couple’s relationship.

If you are looking to settle in the UK and are looking for legal advice regarding eligibility requirements, get in touch with us. We, at Wembley Solicitors will do everything in our power to ensure that your application for visa goes through.

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