Tag: Judicial Separation

Can A Separation Help Save Your Marriage?

Have you ever considered that your relationship with your spouse would benefit from a temporary separation? Some troubled couples consent to a trial/temporary separation in the hopes that some time apart may enable them to reconcile more positively and healthily. Or, if they’re thinking of divorcing, they believe a trial/temporary separation will allow them to

Can Child Support Be Extended into College?

When parents get divorced or legally separated, the non-custodial parent becomes responsible for providing child support to meet the child’s basic necessities. The confusion about child support for college-going children is one subject that commonly comes up. As a result, many parents worry if child support may be used to cover the cost of college

4 Key Differences Between Judicial Separation and Divorce in Wembley

If there’s anything that the extended lockdown during the pandemic taught us, it’s that while we can’t choose the family we are born into, we certainly choose who we marry. Quarantine is the main reason behind the increase in divorce inquiries across the UK, and while the former is not permanent, the latter very much is.