Tips on How to Make a Successful Fiancé Visa Application

If you’re a resident of the UK or a citizen and would like your fiancé to come and join you, then you can apply for a fiancé visa. Once the visa is issued to your partner, they can come live with you for a period of 6 months. They may later apply to stay longer after you both are legally married.

You probably want to get through the visa process without any delays, so it’s important that you follow all the requirements that may become a hurdle in your application. Failing to follow any criteria may result in a visa rejection and appealing can take 6–9 months.

To help you ensure a successful application, we’ve gathered below a few tips that can assist you in the visa process:

Criteria for the Fiancé Visa:

In order to qualify for a fiancé visa, the following requirements must be met:

  • Both you and your fiancé must be 18 years old or above,
  • The two of you should have met before and must intend to permanently live together in the UK after you’re married,
  • Each of you must show evidence that any previous relationships that either of you may have been involved in has ended,
  • Your fiancé should be able to fulfil the English language requirement,
  • You’re free from tuberculosis (TB),
  • As the sponsor, you must be earning at least £18,600 on a yearly basis or have enough cash savings to sponsor your fiancé,
  • And have adequate accommodation for you and your future spouse.

If there are any dependants, like children, other than the fiancé, then in addition to the initial requirement of £18,600, your annual earning should include an extra £3,800 for the first child and an additional £2,400 for every subsequent child.

In some cases, you may be exempted from the financial requirement—for example, if you have disability living allowance or industrial injuries disablement benefit. Having one or more of similar benefits can help you show that you fulfil the ‘adequate maintenance’ requirement, which is to say that you receive enough money to look after your dependents.

Attaching the Right Documents

A major reason why many applications are rejected is a lack of evidence to prove your case in the documents included. The most logical way to deal with this is to include at least one document to support your case for each criterion.

Some common documents that you should attach include chat logs of your communication with your fiancé, third party statements, photographs, marriage plans, relevant emails and travel history, and divorce papers (if applicable).

The key to a successful visa application is watching out for every requirement very carefully. Despite being extra keen, the process can sometimes become very complicated to understand. Perhaps the best way to pursue your fiancé’s visa application is to get help from a professional solicitor. If you’re situated in Wembley, get in touch with us. We provide a wide range of legal services and have a highly trained and experienced team.

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