3 Solutions For Minimising Workplace Injuries

You may not realise this but accidents at the workplace are far more common than you might think. In Great Britain, 137 workers lost their lives due to accidents in the workplace. Some of these accidents include:

  • Getting hit by a vehicle
  • Falling from a high place
  • Electrocution
  • Collapsing of a building

While the number of work place fatalities is thankfully is not that high. However, according to studies, 4.7 million working days were lost due to workplace injury in Britain during the year 2009. This certainly has an effect on the productivity of the company. Decreased productivity also subsequently leads to decreased profitability for the company.

They can also result in employees filing accident at work claims against the company. Corporate social responsibility is a major factor currently and lawsuits present a negative perception of the company. If you are an employer then here are three things you can do to minimise work place injuries.

Ensuring cleanliness in workplace

People generally take cleanliness for granted. However, cleanliness can result in workplace injuries.

An unorganised work place environment presents a number of threats to employees. Exposed electricity wires present a threat of employees tripping over the wires and injuring themselves. Eighteen percent of employees injure themselves at their workplace due to tripping or slipping.

These incidents can lead to employee filing slip and trip compensation claims against the companies, which can lead to unnecessary expenditures for the company. You can end up paying your employee quite a bit of money as compensation.

Risk Assessment  

The law requires businesses in the United Kingdom to conduct tests to ensure that the health and safety of employees in not compromised in any way.

Risk assessment is effective since it helps in identifying all potential threats within the work place—examples are exposed wires, which may electrocute employees or result in employees tripping over them.

Are employees working from a height? We suggest that you note down all potential risks that employees are likely to face in order to mitigate them.

Use safety signs

The law in the country requires employers to put up safety signs in the office for all the staff and the customers. Directions to fire exits and signs pointing up the slippery floor can help in avoiding potential accidents that may occur.

Keep first aid toolbox at your disposal along with a person who is responsible for handling the first aid box in times of emergencies. This proves to be useful, especially in situations where someone has met with an accident.

The process of going through legal issue pertaining to employee injuries is very challenging and painstaking. The best course of action in this regard is to prevent any kind accidents from taking place altogether.

If you face a legal issue related to employee claims, get in touch with us.

We at Wembley Solicitors offer a wide range of legal services and have a highly competent team that will help you with all of your legal issues.

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