3 Things You Can Do To Avoid Falling Victim To Fraud

Technology has advanced at an incredible rate in the past years, and we reap the benefits every single day. However, all good things have a downside. And unfortunately, as technology advanced, so did crime and fraudulent activities.

These days, it’s hard to trust even the caller IDs, text messages, and voices that appear to belong to people who are close to you! That makes it all the more important to be alert and take measures to avoid falling victim to fraud.

Here are three tips that will go a long way.

Learn To Spot Imposters

Scammers often pretend to be people from your bank, the local police, a friend or a family member, or even a charity. This is because the goal is to gain your trust to con you into giving them your money.

If you’re not expecting a request that involves money or seems odd, it’s best not to follow through, confirm the request in person from the relevant person, and alert the police in case it turns out to be an actual scam.

Do Your Research

Before responding to a business or buying an item from a company that you or your friends haven’t heard of before, run a few searches on Google. Try typing the keywords “scam,” “complaint,” or “customer reviews” along with the company’s name to get a fair idea.

If the company feels legit, go ahead, and order. If it doesn’t, report it immediately to your local authorities before they try to scam someone else.

Never Pay Upfront Without A Written Invoice Or A Contract

Finally, never pay in advance without a formal invoice; a contract that binds the receiving party by law, or a receipt. People asking for advance payments on mortgage, a job, or even debt relief are generally scammers.

Want to report fraud in Middlesex, UK? We can get you in touch with our skilled and experienced solicitors specializing in criminal law. You can also reach us at 020 3417 3700 or email at info@wembleysolicitors.com. We also provide law services regarding personal injury claims and family issues.

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