3 Ways to Make Your UK Immigration as Swift as Possible

With cultural diversity, free healthcare, and an internationally recognised education system, the United Kingdom is one of the best places to live in the world. However, getting London immigration isn’t as easy as you think! The process takes a lot of time, money, and effort. But that doesn’t mean you should give up on the opportunity!

This article discusses some ways to make your UK immigration as swift as possible.


1- Submit the Correct Documents

If you haven’t heard from the UK home office in a while, there might be some issue with your application. You might have included unverified documents or missed a document. Therefore, it’s important to make a complete checklist of your documents and ensure that you’re submitting all of them.

Missing or incorrect information can slow down your UK immigration process. Start by enrolling your biometrics within the timescale. Attach the evidence required to support your original documents. Moreover, ensure that another external officer also verifies the evidence.

2- Contact the Home Office

After you have submitted the correct documents, evidence and have given the interview, you’ll have to wait for some weeks before you get a response. But if you don’t receive any response even after a few weeks, you need to contact the home office yourself.

We recommend contacting the home office through a handwritten letter, but you can also write an email. Ensure that you have included important information like your full name and nationality in your email or letter. If you applied while residing in the UK, you should write to the same Home office department. However, if you’re applying from another country, you can direct your mail to https://www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-inside-outside-uk.

3- Hire Legal Immigration Help

Applying for UK immigration is a complicated task that most people don’t know much about. We recommend partnering with a professional service that can help you with the complex applications, interviews, and other legal requirements of the Immigration process in the UK.

Without a legal service helping you with your work visa or spouse visa application in London, your UK immigration can take months to process. We recommend working with Wembley Solicitors, a group of highly-experienced lawyers that deals with all types of UK immigration categories and judicial reviews in London.


Reach out to them through their website and make your entrepreneur visa application fast and easy.

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