4 Complications That Might Arise During UK Immigration Visa Process

There are considerable implications of COVID-19 on the UK’s immigration policies. In light of the latest complications, some novel visa problems have surfaced along with the novel Coronavirus.

Immigrants, throughout the years, have struggled with visa applications, renewals, and approvals. If you hold permanent residency status (ILR) to qualify as a British citizen and wish to move a partner or family member in with you, you’ll likely face many challenges.

The visa application process for immigrants is riddled with bottlenecks. Getting trapped in any one of the requirements can delay your visa process indefinitely. Here are some factors that might cause problems for you – it’s best to be wary of them and tread carefully with legal help.

Inadequate Financial Status Of The Sponsor

If you’re a permanent resident in the UK, you’re going to be the legal sponsor for the immigrant. There’s a criterion that you must fulfil to qualify as an eligible sponsor.

Your financial standing needs to be on par with the guidelines specified in the Settlement Visa category. Complications may arise when there’s insufficient financial documentation to support your claim, and you’ll need an attorney to guide you through the process.

Inadequate Accommodations Provided By The Sponsor

There’s a legal criterion specifying the number of people allowed to inhabit a living space. A number that exceeding the limit is a direct violation of the law.

This is also a common reason for visa immigration application rejections. The sponsor funding the immigrant must provide adequate accommodations for the immigrant in the UK. You might need to provide an Immigration Property Inspection Report to substantiate your case – ideally with the help of experienced immigration lawyers.

Language Barriers

The immigrant can be applying for a student visa, entrepreneur visa, or settlement visa. In any of these cases, they must meet the language requirements. To clear the Home Office English Language test rules, the applicant must sit for the Secure English Language Test (SELT) and get the minimum passing score.

Past Records Of Immigration Applications

If you’ve applied for UK immigration for a foreign national in the past and didn’t get approval, that might taint your record. The previous rejection may stand in the way of getting your visa application approved this time. To avoid this, you should always have an expert legal guide who can pre-empt and warn you about these consequences.

Our UK immigration solicitors will offer help throughout the visa process for a reasonable fee. Give us a call today for a consultation at 020 3417 3700.

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