4 Factors that Affect Your Chances of Winning a Child Custody Battle

The biggest concern for divorcing couples is the custody of their children. By taking the help of a family law solicitor in Wembley, you can make this process less stressful for your family. Many factors can help you stay united with your children post-divorce, and here we have discussed a few of them.

1. Cooperation with the Other Parent  

Many divorcing couples battle in court to attain full custody of their children. However, keeping a child apart from the other parent may not be good for the child’s emotional health. Parents need to put their differences aside and reach mutually agreeable terms of custody. The court of law favors joint custody to provide the child with healthy family life. This is why a cooperative parent is highly likely to get custody of their child in court.

2. Relationship with the Child  

You need to prove your participation in your child’s life to the court. The parent that takes an active part in all aspects of their child’s life can win sole custody. Expert divorce solicitors can help you prove your role as the more active parent and improve your chances of winning custody.

3. The Living Situation

The parent who lives closer to the child’s school, family members, and friends will be prioritized by the court for custody. You may need to make necessary changes to your living situation after divorce, so your child can live with you comfortably.

4. Financial Condition

The court ensures that the custodian parents have the means to support the current lifestyle of their child. A parent that is not financially fitting to provide for their children is unlikely to win sole custody and should decide on mutually agreeable terms.

If you are worried about losing the custody of your children after divorce, reach out to the divorce solicitors in Wembley, Middlesex at Wembley Solicitors. We can offer you professional advice on keeping your relationship intact with your children, despite judicial separation. Click on the link to learn more about our services.

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