5 Common Reasons for a Divorce between Couples

In the United Kingdom, 42% of marriages end in divorce. The escalating divorce rate each year makes one think about the seriousness of this issue. Scholars and social scientists have long studied the causes of a divorce. Some researchers surveyed, asking couples why their marriage ended in a divorce. The results showed various grounds such as infidelity, incompatibility, financial problems, emotional abuse, etc.  

1. Lack of Commitment

Lack of commitment is the most common reason for couples to divorce. Although this issue can be challenging to prove, it’s an underlying problem that arises more significant issues. Inability to uphold your vows or fulfill your expectations for one another can create emotional distance.

Both partners need to be committed to making their marriage work.

2. Extramarital Affairs

The marriage is doomed when one spouse steps out to satisfy his sexual or physical needs. Once you break that trust, the relationship becomes complicated and ends in divorce. A study claims that extramarital affairs alone lead to 20-40% divorces.

1. Lack of communication         


A marriage without communication leads to resentment and frustration. The foundation of a happy marriage depends on good communication between the couple. When two people are in a relationship, understanding each other, sharing problems, and meeting each other’s requirements is essential for the marriage to work.

Yelling at your spouse, saying nasty stuff, and ignoring each other all day can lead to divorce.

3. Not Staying Fit

This problem may sound odd, but not staying in shape is another primary reason couples file for divorce. If you’ve lost too much weight or have gained a lot, it can make your spouse less attractive towards you. This leads to issues with intimacy, causing a partner to indulge in extramarital affairs.

4. Lack of Intimacy

Sadly, weight gain isn’t the only factor for the lack of intimacy between couples. If both partners are working and come home after a tiring day at work, they are less likely to be intimate. Ignoring your partner’s sexual needs will end your marriage in a divorce.

If your marriage isn’t working out, or you’re facing similar dilemmas, contact Wembley Solicitors in London. Our team of experts can help you get a legal separation in London. We also offer various other services like spouse visas, handling immigration appeals, etc.

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