5 Cycling Rules to Ensure Your Safety

The breeze ruffling through your hair, the shining sun, the sound of birds chirping, the smell of nature and an intense adrenaline rush—these are some of the few things associated with cycling.

Not only is it a fun and easy way to get around, it’s also eco-friendly, economical, and convenient. You don’t have to waste precious time being stuck in traffic or face the discomfort of having to sit on a crowded bus; you can just cycle your way through!

But, before you hop on your bike and start paddling away, know that cycling also has its fair share of dangers. Whenever you go out on the road on two wheels, there’s a factor of risk involved.

So how can you ensure you have a cycling session that is both fun and safe? Here are a few rules.

1. Wear Your Helmet

Okay, so we know helmets are not the most stylish of accessories, but wearing it is one of the most important of safety rules. In a majority of road accidents, people on bikes suffer from serious head injuries just because they did not have a helmet protecting their heads. Majority of the bicyclists involved in accidents are not wearing any helmets.

So it is always better to be safe than sorry.

2. Be Visible

In a road full of cars, staying visible on a bicycle may seem like a tough task, but it is paramount. If the other cars or pedestrians can’t see you properly, you’re putting both yours and their safety at risk. If you unknowingly hit a pedestrian, you may end up with a lawsuit on your hands. Make sure to stay noticeable on the road.


3. Make Use of Hand Signals

Most bikes don’t have the same light indicators as that of a car which makes signalling turns quite difficult. This is why cyclists must make sure to employ hand signals to let other vehicles and pedestrians know when and where you’re turning. This will prevent any serious accidents and will keep everyone safe.

4. Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

Listening to your favourite song or talking to your best friend while cycling along your way may seem like a great idea at first, but it can hit you with a cycling accident compensation claim if you’re not careful enough. Any kind of distraction while cycling is a great hazard so you should stay aware of your surroundings at all costs.

5. Obey Road Rules

Rules are there for a reason—to keep people safe. If you ignore them you put everyone’s safety, including yours, at risk. Just because you’re cycling does not mean you’re exempt from following basic road rules. Not following them may result in accidents which will definitely result in lawsuits and compensation claims.

If you’ve had the misfortune of being in a road cycling accident, then you need to get in touch with a solicitor who can help you out of the fix.

We recommend you contact us here at Wembley Solicitors. We offer expert legal advice and can help you deal with your legal troubles. You can contact us at 020 3417 3700 for further assistance.

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