5 FAQs About Indefinite Leave To Remain

With the UK immigration laws getting tougher, majority of expats are now sceptical about applying for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). But, how can ILR help expats attain permanent residency status and a British passport?

Here is quick guide on Indefinite Leave to Remain:

What is Indefinite Leave to Remain?

As mentioned earlier, ILR enables expats to achieve permanent residency and then British citizenship in the UK.

After living in the country for a specific time period, an individual can apply for ILR. Once they attain it, they can live as a legal citizen in the UK for as long as they want. They can work or study in the UK and travel within and outside the country without any legal complications.

In a nutshell, an applicant can apply for British citizenship after they have held the IRL status for 12 months and lived in the UK for five years.

Who can apply?

In order to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain status, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must continue living in the country
  • You must have sufficient knowledge of the English language
  • You must be familiar with life in the UK
  • You must be of good character.
  • You must meet application requirements

What is the application process?

Generally, the application requirements as well as processing time can vary, depending on your visa class.

What are other requirements?

Your residence and income are the most important ILR requirements.

Prior to applying for ILR status, you need to have at least five years experience of living in the UK. In addition to this, you must not have spent more than 450 days outside the country during this time period.

Furthermore, if you are on Tier 2 visa, you must have an earning of at least £35,000 a year. Keep in mind, this applies to Tier 2 visa holders only and not other visa category holders.

How to apply for it?

If you meet all the criteria mentioned above, you are good to apply for ILR status. You can either take a DIY approach or consult a professional immigration expert.

At Wembley Solicitors, we are your single source for all your UK immigration needs. We specialise in a wide range of UK immigration services, including Indefinite Leave to Remain, work visa, visitors’ visa, spouse visa, and more. Above all, we offer a fixed cost for our legal services.

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