5 Questions to Ask Your Immigration Lawyer

Immigration is tough and incredibly nerve-wracking. It’s a life-changing decision and one that costs a lot of time, effort, and of course, money. Application and visas aren’t cheap; neither is airfare nor moving. It’s one of the biggest expenses and physical, mental, and emotional challenges you will ever face.

You want to be as prepared as possible, covering all your bases, including hiring a qualified immigration lawyer to help build and present your case. Having a legal expert on board can be the difference between a rejection and approval on your application. But before you hire one, ask your lawyer the following questions—in addition to your own concerns:

Ask them about their fees and charges.

Don’t be hesitant or afraid of asking about fees and charges. It is, after all, a transactional relationship. Knowing what to expect in terms of application fees and charges, documentation, the lawyer’s fees and other expenses will help you prepare for the financial cost of this. If your financial situation isn’t favourable, you might be able to receive monetary assistance or reduction.

Having transparency helps ascertain a secure, open working relationship that maintains the interest of both parties. We’ve made our fees available on our website for clients to review.

1. Get referrals and recommendations if necessary.

Finding a lawyer with appropriate experience and conditionals is necessary, but having additional referrals is a way of trusting your decision. If you’re getting in touch through a personal reference, you can ask them about their experience, and if not, request a formal referral, look at their case histories, and other factors.


Learn about the documents you need to provide them

Gather any and every document that could be relevant and necessary. Ask them what you need to bring to your consultations and meetings, and if you need to apply for certain forms, certificates and other documentation in advance. They will be able to provide you with a list of all necessary paperwork your application will require, including job offer letters, admission letters, transcripts, experience letters, referrals, birth certificates, citizenship documentation and much more.

Find out what specific application is relevant to you.

Knowing what visa type you’re eligible for is crucial. Your lawyer will help you differentiate between the nuances and specifics, including different tiers, classifications, and what’s best suited to your individual needs. Whether you’re applying for a work-related visa, or student visa, there are details that are important to smooth out.

Get details about their speciality and expertise

You should also ask your lawyer about their speciality, expertise and prior success in handling cases similar to yours. This is an important question to ask because if their speciality isn’t related to your needs, it could be a long, drawn-out process that isn’t fruitful.

They should, with their time in the industry, be able to tell you whether your case is likely to win or not, or what outcomes you can safely expect.

To work with some of the leading immigration solicitors in the UK, contact our firm.

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