5 Things to Get in Order Before Applying for A UK Spouse Visa

Applying for a visa application can become quite stressful. With a bunch of documents to prepare, you might feel lost on how to go about it—but we’ve got you covered.

Keep reading to learn about the list of documents you need to prepare before applying for a spouse visa application in London. 

1. Valid Passport

The first thing, to begin with, is your passport. Make sure you have a valid passport.

If your passport has expired or is about to expire, get it renewed ASAP.

2. Marriage Certificate

To qualify for a UK spouse visa, you’ll have to prepare a marriage certificate issued by the local government to prove the legitimacy of your marriage.

In the case of a second marriage, you’ll have to provide a piece of evidence that your previous marriage has ended.

Lastly, suppose you’re applying as a fiancé or fiancée. In that case, you’ll have to submit proof that you intend to get married within 6 months.

That’s not all. You might also have to show photos of you two together to prove that your relationship is genuine.

3. English Language Proficiency Certificate

Before applying for a UK Spouse visa, make sure you register yourself for an English proficiency test recognized in the UK.

Prepare well for the test because the higher the score, the more chances of getting the visa.

4. Proof of Accommodation

You’ll need to submit a document that will mention where you’ll stay once you arrive in the UK.

If you fail to provide sufficient proof, your visa application is likely to get rejected. So make sure you prepare this document.

5. Evidence of Financial Stability

To obtain a UK spouse visa, you’ll have to prove that you’re financially stable enough to support your spouse. Following are the documents essential for income requirements:


  1. Salary Slip:Provide your current income slip.
  2. Self-employed Income:If you’re running a business in the UK, you have to submit a document that shows correct figures.
  3. Cash Savings: Your cash savings should amount to £62,500 or above.
  4. Pension Money:If you’re on a pension, attach a document showing the amount you’re receiving.
  5. Property:You need to show legal papers of any property you own in the UK.

All these documents must meet the financial requirements for the UK spouse visa for you to live with your spouse in the UK.


Facing difficulty in your UK spouse visa application? We can help.

At Wembley Solicitors, we provide friendly and expert advice for all your legal issues. Our immigration lawyers work with all kinds of visas and immigration appeals in London.

Call us right away to get help with your spouse visa application in Wembley, UK.


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