6 Signs You Are Heading Towards Divorce

Sometimes, you may not be able to know whether or not your marriage is on the rocks and is heading towards certain divorce. It is imperative that you pick up certain red flags and do whatever you can to save your relationship.

However, if you aren’t interested in saving your relationship, then the best you can do is take all the legal precautions to save yourself from a financial calamity when you’re sure your partner wants separation.

There are more than a 100,000 divorces in the UK every year, and most of them don’t always go as smoothly as many people would like as it comes as a surprise to them.

Here are some signs that you should watch out for:

Constant Arguments and Resentments

If you notice that you and your partner are constantly arguing and feeling resentment towards each other, then you are probably headed towards divorce. When these arguments persist, couples can really become frustrated and look to get out of the marriage because it starts impacting their psychological wellbeing.

This dynamic mainly develops when a couple starts arguing about a minor issue and it often ends up returning to a much older issue that was not resolved in the past either.

man and woman sitting on a bench


Constant fighting and arguments isn’t the only thing that takes couples towards divorce. If the couple feels indifferent towards each other and doesn’t really care about the things that really mattered to them in the past, then it is a sure-fire sign of an inevitable divorce.

Feeling indifferent toward each other means that they are emotionally disengaged from their partner, which is usually an irreparable situation for most couples.

Lack of Gratitude

Lack of gratitude is usually a much earlier sign that the relationship is slowly derailing. If you and your partner do not appreciate each other, if you have stopped performing small acts to please one another, or if you just don’t say thank you for what you do for each other, then there is lack of gratitude on both sides.

Showing gratitude towards your partner is extremely important to communicate that you are happy to have each other in your life.

man and woman sitting on a bench

Lack of Intimacy

Have you started feeling that your partner is more like a roommate rather than your lover?

This usually happens when the intimacy starts fading away.

Intimacy isn’t all about sex. It is about a physical and emotional bond that you have with your partner that is extremely important for keeping a relationship alive. It is the responsibility of both the partners to keep the intimacy alive in the relationship; however, if one of the partners ends up giving a cold shoulder to the other, it could lead to a breakdown.

Not Ready to Take Accountability

For any healthy relationship to survive, it is vital that both partners take ownership of their flaws and shortcomings and be accountable for them. However, if the couple isn’t ready to take ownership, then it often leads to hypercriticism, defensiveness and consistent conflict.

If this is happening in your relationship, then your relationship isn’t going anywhere and the next obvious thing would be to take a divorce.


If your partner has started seeking others for emotional support, then it is probably just a matter of time that they seek someone out for physical intimacy as well. Infidelity as we all know is often the last thing that happens in a relationship as it can really be a traumatic experience for the other partner.

Get in touch with us to discuss your legal options in case of a possible divorce.

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