A Solicitor’s Advice on Financial Requirements for Spouse Visa

Applying for a UK visa is stressful enough. Toss in the many guidelines and details you have to satisfy when it comes to applying for a UK spouse visa and things become worrying.

Applying for a UK spouse visa can seem straightforward enough. Your sponsoring partner that is living in the UK has to show that they have the accommodation, the finances and the permission (in the form of their own visa or British Passport) necessary to bring their spouse to the UK.

And while many are able to satisfy some of these requests, where they do face problems is with the finances.

What are the Income Requirements to Obey a Spouse Visa?

The minimum income requirements were revised in 2012. According to Home Office, the sponsoring partner in the UK has to show that they meet the minimum income requirement of £18,600 per year. But this is only if they’re sponsoring just their partner.

If they’re sponsoring a dependent child, the requirement hikes up to £22,400, with £2,400 being added for each dependent child.

Now, for working individuals in the UK, these requirements are alarming enough. However, there are some sources which may satisfy Home Office. You’ll be able to meet the requirements if:

  • You are self-employed or employed by someone
  • You receive pension
  • You receive maternity, paternity or sick pay
  • You have other sources of income such as shares or rent
  • You have savings on your name that have been in your account for the last six months, around £16,000

Extenuating Circumstances

Let’s say that, due to some circumstances, you are not able to satisfy the minimum income requirements. The Home Office may still approve your visa if refusing contradicts Article 8 of the ECHR, which states that a refusal may result in harsh consequences for the person that’s applying, their partner and/or children.

In such cases though, the decision maker can accept other options for funding:

  • A third party (parent/grandparent) that offer credible guarantee of sustainable financial support
  • Credible earnings from employment of the partner
  • Any credible sources of funds or income that are available to the applicants

If you’re able to meet the financial requirements through these options, your visa will be granted.

Learning More about the UK Spouse Visa

While these options are applicable, it’s recommended that you speak with a reliable solicitor before you consider submitting any alternate financial detail with your application.

Wembley Solicitors is at your service. As expert solicitors in London, we can help you apply for your UK spouse visa. Contact us today at 020 3417 3700 to book an appointment.

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