All You Need to Know About Gaining Asylum in the UK

Leaving your home country to seek refuge in and live in a new one can be extremely daunting for most refugees. An asylum can give you the shelter and refuge you need and save you from persecution in your home country.


We simplify this process for you by listing everything about asylums, what they are, the eligibility criteria, the documents needed, and how to gain asylum in the UK.

What Makes You Eligible?

If you’re someone who has left their country in fear of persecution, you should apply for asylum in another country. UK immigration laws require asylum seekers to claim asylum as soon as they set foot on English soil. Waiting a few days or even weeks for your asylum application can diminish your chances of getting asylum.

You’ll need to list the reason for your asylum application, why you can’t go back to your country, and why the UK is the right place for you.

Ensure that you put out the right reasons behind your asylum claims, as they would act as the deciding factor in granting you asylum. These reasons can be due to your social, cultural, religious, political, national, or racial identity.

Documents Needed To Support Your Case

While you may not have the complete set of documents with you, asylum applicants are required to submit some essential documents with their application.

You’ll need to provide

  • Travel documents or passports
  • Identification certificates like ID cards, your birth certificates, and your marriage certificate (if you’re married)
  • Police registration certificates

The UK government also allows asylum applicants to seek legal immigration advice and assistance from local law firms.

Asylum Interview

After your documents and application have gone through the screening phase, the interviewing board will likely call you for an asylum interview. This is the most challenging part of the process but ensures that your primary reason for asylum application is justified.

The interviewers can ask you some questions like

  • Why did you leave your country?
  • What were the reasons behind your persecution?
  • Why are you afraid of going back to your homeland?

If you have any proof or evidence that supports your application, then the caseworkers will ask you to bring those along as well.

The UK government also provides interpreters for the interviews, and applicants can even walk in with their legal representatives for assistance.

If you’re looking for a reliable law firm that can help you apply for asylum, then Wembley Solicitors are here to assist you in the process. Our team of immigration solicitors years of experience dealing with immigration processes in the UK and can help you secure work, visit, and residential visas. Our competent immigration lawyers also offer their services for asylum seekers and simplify the tedious process for you.

Get in touch with us and apply for asylum in the UK.

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