An Overview of the Asylum Process in the UK

The asylum process in the UK is quite complicated. More often than not, asylum seekers require professional legal help to get them through this tedious process.

Over the years, thousands of migrants from other parts of the world have tried to cross the Channel between the UK and France to claim asylum here.

However, not everyone applying for asylum in the UK is granted it.

Who needs asylum?

People who are unable to receive adequate protection in their home country usually seek asylum in other countries.

The UK has a very stable society and a proper system of law and order. This is the reason why many people being persecuted around the world try to reach the shores of the UK hoping to get asylum.

Does a person’s race or nationality matter?

The asylum process does not take into consideration race, nationality, or religion of applicants. It gives equal importance to all human beings and does not discriminate amongst the applicants on the basis of their ideals and beliefs.

For how long can a person seek asylum?

If your asylum application is accepted, you’ll be given a refugee status. This will allow you to stay in the United Kingdom for a period of five years.

After this period, an assessment will be made to determine whether it is safe for you to return to your home country. If the environment in your home country is still not safe for you, the government will allow you to stay in the Kingdom on a permanent basis.

Where do most asylum seekers come from?

Asylum seekers come to the UK from all parts of the world. However, a vast majority of them come from troubled regions that are plagued by wars, insurrections, and political turmoil.

Eritrea, Syria, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, and Bangladesh are some of the top countries of origin for people looking to get asylum in the UK.

It is important to mention here, that the British Home Office usually does not grant asylum status to those coming from countries that are considered to be safe. For instance, an asylum seeker coming from the United States is less likely to be granted asylum than a person hailing from a war-torn country, like Sudan or Eritrea.


Where are the asylum seekers kept?

The people with legitimate asylum claims are kept in temporary accommodations provided by the government while their applications are processed. They are also given a certain amount of money on a weekly basis to meet their daily needs.

The entire application process can last up to a year or even more, depending on the complexity of the claim.


Wembley Solicitors provides expert legal advice for asylum seekers at very affordable rates. We have the best immigration lawyers in London and an impeccable track record of successfully settling immigration cases.

We can also help you get an EEA family permit without any hassle. To learn more about our services call us at 020 3417 3700, or send us an email at

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