Applying for Permanent Residence: A Quick Look

According to the Guardian, the United Kingdom is one of the greatest places in the world to live in. The same report suggests that the UK falls in the top 20% global performers when it comes to wealth generation and employment.

The global financial crisis was a lot less severe for Britain compared to the US and other countries. This is why the UK has excelled among other developed countries in a variety of departments—education and environmental pollution being prominent ones.

So it’s understandable if you want to reside permanently in the UK. Let us help you through the process of applying for permanent residence in the UK:


You can only apply for a permanent residence card if you’ve lived in the UK for at least 5 years. However, this clause is only valid until December 2020. Beyond that point, you’ll have to apply through the EU Settlement Scheme, as rules have changed post-Brexit.

You’re also eligible if a family member of yours is either a permanent resident of EEA or has been living in the EEA for a continuous period of 5 years. In this case, you’ll only be eligible if you’ve lived with that family member for a continuous 5 year period.

By family members, we mean a spouse, child, grandchild, parent, or grandparent. Extended family members like siblings, nieces, nephews, and cousins only qualify if they’re financially dependent on you.

How to apply?

To get started, you’ll have to start online. The official website of the UK government has all the forms and is user-friendly. Fill and submit them if you fulfil the eligibility criteria. If you don’t want to follow the online procedure, you can also post the forms, along with supporting documents and a fee of £65 to the home office.

To make things easier, we recommend getting in touch with an immigration law expert firm such as Wembley Solicitors. We are one of the most reliable and affordable immigration solicitors based in London. Contact us now. 


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