Avoiding a Hit-and-Run Accidents: Pedestrian Safety

Annually, approximately 430 pedestrians are killed on UK roadways. Since a pedestrian is not protected by a seatbelt, pedestrian-related hit and run accidents can be fatal. Here’s how to keep yourself safe on the road

Keep Off the Traffic and Roads

People should consider walking within pedestrian lanes and avoiding traffic and congested roads. You could startle a driver if you try to cross the road in the middle of traffic.

If there isn’t a footpath present, cross the road facing traffic. It’ll enable you to view oncoming traffic and give you enough time to respond to the approaching vehicle.

Improve Your Visible Appearance on the Road

When a driver fails to see you on the road, the chances of pedestrian accidents increase. There are a few things you may do to improve your visibility on the road:

  • Dress with bright or contrasting colours, especially at night
  • Otherwise, make sure your outfit has reflectors on it

Don’t Cross the Road Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs

Drugs or alcohol influence might affect your motor abilities and judgement. You might not be able to walk properly if there is not anyone with you to walk you across the road. It is best to avoid crossing the road without the assistance of someone sober. If you’re alone, wait until you get sober or take a cab, or call someone to take you home.

Always Be on the Lookout for Oncoming Vehicles

To be a cautious pedestrian necessitates a great defensive strategy. Always be on the lookout for vehicles reversing, turning, and parking on the driveway. It is also a great practice to avoid crossing in front of a parked car since you might not realise which car is approaching.

Don’t Cross the Road Distracted

You may stroll out onto the road or come too near to an oncoming vehicle if you’re not attentive or focused. So, refrain from listening to songs, talking, or texting on the phone when trying to cross the road.


Wembley Solicitor’s expert lawyers in London can help you represent in the hit and run accident claim if you were hurt in a pedestrian accident. You might be entitled to reimbursement for lost wages, medical costs, and other expenses. We can also help you with car passenger claims and getting a legal separation.

Check out our fixed fees and get started.

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