Bail Etiquette: 3 Things You Should Do When Out on Bail Before Proof of Innocence

According to UK government statistics, as of April 5th 2019, the prison population comprises of 82,706 inmates, a census which is regularly updated. There are numerous offenses within the UK that you may be imprisoned for.  

There are also however, situations in which bail may be granted allowing you to prove your innocence from outside the walls of a prison cell! If you’re someone who is fortunate enough to be granted bail, regardless of what your alleged transgression may have been, you want to make sure you stay on the outside until your innocence is proven.

Bail Etiquette: What to Pay Attention to When on Bail

As a company of solicitors, we don’t just deal with immigration and visa cases or landlord and tenant disputes. Our full service law firm offers everything from immigration and family law to defense and litigation.

Keeping this in mind, we have some important information to share with those of you looking to ensure that your bail is not revoked by court order.

Bail Conditions

Depending on the alleged crime, bail granted often comes with certain conditions. Basic conditions may include:

  • Restrictions on movement
  • Restrictions on the company you keep
  • Restrictions with regard to activities
  • Travel bans
  • Checking in with the local police station at the prescribed time intervals
  • A requirement that you do not shift or change your address

There may be other conditions to the bail you are granted so be sure to go over these with your solicitor. Breaching one of the conditions stated within your bail agreement is a sure way to be sent to prison. Further, you will lose the bail amount and will have to reapply. In short, read those agreement terms and follow them to the tee!

Crime and Borderline Illegal Activity

This might be a no brainer for some but we’ll put it out here anyway. When you’re on bail, you need to refrain from all activities that could get you into trouble. Furthermore, it helps to avoid areas and places where you might become involved simply because you were present.

Make sure you stay away from even activities that lie within the gray and can be read as criminal behaviour. Until you’ve been proven innocent, the best thing to do is lay low!

Making Hearings

Your court hearings are what will finally determine where you stand. For this reason, short of hospitalization, do not miss your hearings. Missing a hearing might result in the court putting out an order for your arrest.

If there is a dire situation in which you are unable to make a hearing (say a serious medical/physical complication) notify your solicitor and have a formal letter issued by your doctor or the hospital.

Being present for your hearings reflects well on you and may even make the judge sympathetic to your case.

Winding Down

Remember, bail granted is a privilege and opportunity to defend yourself from an environment which is safer and less harrowing. If you feel you require legal advice because you are out on bail and wish to move your case forward, we can help. Feel free to connect with us and we’ll take a look at your situation and see what we can do.

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