Being the Victim of a Taxi Accident—who is to Blame?

If you were unfortunate enough to have been involved in a taxi accident, you’re probably looking to file a personal injury claim.

However, given that the accident was caused by a taxi, the claim might not be as straightforward as you think.

Even the smallest details can affect the result, which is why you need to consult with a personal injury solicitor so your case can have a favourable outcome!

Breaking Down a Taxi Accident—Making Your Claim

According to the law, there is a three-year limit on making claims for taxi accidents. So if you’re making a claim soon after, it’s important that you note down the details and make the right claim.

Accident Caused by Third Party

In case the accident was caused by a third party and caused injuries to the driver as well, a claim can be made by the passenger against the other driver’s insurance company. The case may become complicated, though, if the taxi driver decides to make a claim as well.

Accident Caused by Taxi Driver’s Negligence

If the taxi driver is to blame for an accident, the passenger can claim for compensation from the firm or the taxi driver themselves. The third party involved may also claim compensation if they suffered injuries. The case may take a different turn though if the driver is self-employed, since they may not have the necessary insurance.

Injury Caused as a Result of Not Wearing a Seatbelt

In this case, the passenger and the taxi driver are partially liable, so the court may reduce the compensation award by up to 25 percent since this is a shared fault.

Injury Caused Due to Ice or Wet Patches on the Road

If the car skids on the ice, thus causing injury, the passenger could make a claim against the driver, however the court will make a shared liability ruling with the local authority, since they failed to maintain the roads properly.

Pedestrian Accident Caused by Taxi

In this case, you may seek a pedestrian accident claim though it will be investigated whether you walked onto the road without warning.

Need Help?

Wembley Solicitors can assist with pedestrian and taxi accidents claims in the UK. Contact us today at 020 3417 3700 and let us know the details of your case.

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