British Refusal Appeal: A Holistic Guide to the Appeal Process

Did you just receive your immigration refusal letter? Dealing with a refusal can be challenging and overwhelming, especially when you’re unable to understand the reasons behind it. Read on to learn what you should do to make a refusal appeal.

Appoint an Immigration Lawyer

The first thing you need to do as soon as your British immigration is refused is to look for and appoint a qualified immigration lawyer. Dealing with an immigration refusal can be challenging, especially when you’re struggling to understand the reason behind your visa is refused or rejected.

A qualified immigration lawyer in the UK can study your case and application. As a result, they can instantly determine why you received an immigration refusal. Furthermore, they can transparently provide you with tailored solutions to the problem and walk you through the immigration appeal process.

Make an Immigration Appeal

According to the UK immigration policies, if you apply for immigration from your home country and receive a refusal, you must make an immigration appeal in front of an impartial judge within 28 days of receiving the refusal letter. The appeal must contain valid information explaining and justifying why you should be granted a visa.

However, if your visa is rejected after you arrive in the UK, you must prepare an appeal within two weeks and lodge it immediately. A good rule of thumb to follow is to always keep the postmark of your refusal letter because it has the receipt date on it.

Apply for a New Visa

Your lawyer can provide you with a consultation to help you understand what must be done to combat the problem of a refusal. Once you’ve made an appeal and have made sure to correct the mistakes that led towards an immigration refusal, you might want to consider submitting a new visa application.

Applying for a new visa solely depends on your personal circumstances and the amount of time you have to undergo the process all over again. Seek legal assistance from your immigration lawyer for further guidance.

Looking for some assistance in making an appeal after receiving a UK immigration refusal? At Wembley Solicitors, our immigration lawyers in the UK can help. We’re a trained and experienced group of lawyers, specializing in UK immigration law and helping them throughout the process of acquiring British Citizenship and getting a UK residence card. We will go over your case and help you make an Immigration Appeal in Wembley to ensure that your immigration and visa approval process goes as smoothly as possible. Connect with us by reaching out to us here.

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