Bus Passenger Accident Claims and How to Handle Them

Buses are as important to people in the UK as tea and scones. Unlike other countries, people in the UK prefer taking the bus instead of driving their own cars. Naturally, with such high usage, things will go wrong sometimes—such as bus accidents.

If you were involved in a bus accident, know that there are ways to deal with the situation.

Buses in the UK

There are 4.9 billion passenger journeys on local bus services in a year. And road accidents aren’t rare either. In 2017, there were around 1,793 deaths related to road accidents, whereas 24,831 people were severely injured, according to the 2018 Transport Statistics of Great Britain report.

Although buses in the UK are largely safe, there will always be complications and mishaps. Often, accidents occur not due to drivers’ negligence. Regardless, if you’re caught in a bus accident as a passenger and suffer damages, there’s a legal path you can take.

Filing a Claim

You can take the bus service to court, sure, but do you know what exactly to do thereon? For example, do you know whose fault led to the accident? Was it due to the vehicle malfunctioning or was it due to negligence on the part of the driver? Or was it a combination of both?

Accident claims are never simple. Getting compensated for an injury is neither easy nor quick. In any case, your best bet would be relying on a lawyer or a solicitor who can help you in this regard.

Not only does the legal fraternity knows what laws protect you, but we also know what to look at when building a case.

Have You Been in a Bus Accident Lately?

If you’ve recently been in a bus accident, the team at Wembley Solicitors will try their best to provide legal counsel. We’ll make sure that you get due compensation for your bus accident passenger claim. To get started, reach out to us.

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