Can A Separation Help Save Your Marriage?

Have you ever considered that your relationship with your spouse would benefit from a temporary separation? Some troubled couples consent to a trial/temporary separation in the hopes that some time apart may enable them to reconcile more positively and healthily. Or, if they’re thinking of divorcing, they believe a trial/temporary separation will allow them to have a better idea of whether they can live apart. Depending on the specific situation and current conditions of the marriage, separation can be beneficial for a couple. However, about 80 per cent of separations result in divorce.

A family law solicitor can help you understand better which course of action is ideal in your situation.

What is Trial/Temporary Separation?

It is an informal agreement between married couples who are debating whether to get divorced and want to try to save their marriage. This can help provide couples with the opportunity to step back and get a greater understanding of their relationship without involving the court proceedings.

Do Trial Separation Really Work Save the Marriage?

Breaking the cycle of fighting and conflict can be accomplished by giving each other some space. Time spent apart may frequently help people realize how important their marriage is. They can get a glimpse of life without their spouse if they go through with a separation.

A temporary separation can allow a couple to view things from a different aspect and identify the relationship’s difficulties, which can help bring things under control. It can give them time and space to reflect on their marriage’s roots and the challenges that have crippled it.

The procedure will go much more smoothly for both of you if you and your spouse sit down and discuss the reason for the separation before you begin. You must be upfront about the reason for the breakup and clearly state that you will pursue the same objective.

Choose the duration of your separation. Where will you both reside? Making financial agreements in advance is crucial because they may quickly lead to more problems. Putting plans in place for the kids. Decide the expenses, the rent or mortgage payments, joint account spending limits, and the expenses associated with the children.

During your separation period, decide in advance if you will date anybody else. Problems will arise if one spouse does this while the other does not.

What Drawbacks To Trial Separation?

Some individuals believe that going through a separation is the same as escaping your problems rather than remaining to resolve them. They could make an already challenging relationship even more difficult.

If you have kids, the separation may be quite distressing for them, and worrying that you’ll upset them might make you feel even more under strain. Also, being apart might put too much gap between you and your partner.


While a separation won’t work for everyone, if you’re both ready to give it a shot, it could be able to help you get your marriage working again. If you want to learn more about whether a separation can keep your marriage together or if you just need some more legal advice, get in touch with Wembley Solicitors.

We have expert family law solicitors in Wembley who can look after your case or even give expert advice on divorce or judicial separation.

For more information, call us at 020-3417-3700.

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