Can You Sponsor Family to the UK on an Entrepreneur Visa?

The British government is not only highly supportive of entrepreneurship activities, but also provides all the required assistance in terms of technical matters, legal issues, and manufacturing activities. Whether you’re into social entrepreneurship, product innovation, or are a small business owner, the markets in the UK are favourable and have the potential to support your venture.

In this post, we will discuss the best way to sponsor a family member to help them acquire an entrepreneur visa in the UK.

What is an entrepreneur visa?

If you want to go to the UK and start your own business, you need an entrepreneur visa. There are two different types—innovator visa and start-up visa.

To qualify for an innovator visa, the business idea must be endorsed by an approved body. This visa only applies to those who don’t belong to the European Economic Area (EEA). For the idea to be approved, it must be substantial, viable, and unique.

As for the start-up visa, most requirements are the same, except that your idea must also be approved by a higher education instituted based in the UK. You can’t approach the authorities with a business idea that’s already set in motion.

How can you sponsor a family member?

Your family member can only ‘join’ you to do business in the UK if you’re already on the visa. The family member can either be your child or your partner. If the child is above the age of 18, you need to prove that they’re dependant on you.

To prove dependence, your family members must have a certain amount of money with them. This amount varies according to the time you’ve spent in the UK. If you’ve resided here for less than a year, you must have at least £1,890 per dependant. For more than 12 months, the amount per dependant is lesser—£630. The amount should be in the dependant’s bank account 90 days prior to the visa application.

For further insights into the procedure, get in touch with an immigration solicitor in London like Wembley Solicitors. Give us a call and our team will guide you regarding the ins and outs of the immigration process.

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