Child Custody in the UK – The Basics

In a majority of divorce cases in the UK, both the parents maintain joint custody of the children. So, what’s joint custody? Simply put, joint custody means that a child spends equal time with both of their parents. They live with one parent half of the time and the other half with the other parent.

However, in some cases, joint custody becomes impossible. This situation takes place when both the parents can’t agree with each other for living settlements, Under these circumstances, the decision of child custody is taken by the court.

Child custody and access

If a couple is going through a divorce and planning to separate, they need to consider several factors; especially if they have children. They need to decide the time each parent would take care of the child. This process is called access.

Child custody is when a couple needs to decide which parent will be making important decisions related to their child’s life. For instance, how to raise the child, which school will the child go to? Who will take care of the child etc?

Child’s Best Interests

Child custody issues typically involve the child’s parents, but sometimes they may also involve a third party, such as their grandparents. In most cases, grandparents get involved when both the parents of a child aren’t alive or are unable to give proper attention, time, or care.

Regardless of what the situation is, courts in the UK, accept custody agreements that are well prepared and submitted along with the parents’ wider separation agreement. But the arrangements need to be logical and actionable. The court thinks about the children’s best interest. If you want to improve your custody rights, seek legal help.

Concerned About Child Custody Matters? Seek Legal Support!


Going through a divorce is certainly a heartbreaking process. If you’re going through a divorce, you may feel worried about your child, their education, safety, finances, and whatnot!

At Wembley Solicitors,  we’ve got a team of expert divorce solicitors and family lawyers who resolve our clients’ issues related to children’s law in Wembley, Uk.

If you need legal advice or representation discuss your case with our divorce solicitors and get actionable solutions for your problems and disputes.

Feel free to get in touch with us for legal advice.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is only meant for educational purposes and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for legal advice.  


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