Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying For a UK Work Visa

Every time a visa gets rejected, most people either blame it on immigration laws or the officers who were processing the request.

But here’s the truth: Most visa applications get rejected because of a failure on the applicant’s part to understand the laws surrounding the process, or a mistake they made when filling a requisite form.

In this post, we’ll take you through common mistakes applicants make when applying for a UK work visa:

Misleading information

When you’re answering visa questions, ensure that every piece of information is legally accurate. Avoid any inconsistencies, false information, or misleading answers.

Especially when it comes to the Tier 2 work visa, make sure you’ve provided all the necessary information about your previous employer in your home country and your personal savings. You’ll also be required to present a criminal record certificate to prove that your past record is clean. Such information must not be hidden.

Most applicants end up making these mistakes because they don’t consider them mistakes. For instance, you might skip mentioning a failed visa application from ten years ago because you find it to be irrelevant.

Whether it’s deliberate or a mistake, the provision of misleading information will result in immediate rejection. Make sure you’ve consulted a UK immigration solicitor so they can guide you through the process.

Not having a sponsor

You need to do your homework done before you formally apply for the visa. Finding the right sponsor is a major part of this. By sponsor, we mean an employer who fits all the requirements.

The employer must pay you the ‘appropriate rate’ for the job offered. In most cases, the amount is equal to £30,000 per year, however, it can vary. You can be paid less if you’re working as a medical paramedic or a pre-registration midwife, for example. You’ll also need to present a certificate of sponsorship that must clearly lay down all the details of the job that you’ve been offered.

Many applicants submit the details of a job that isn’t paying the required amount, or fail to provide the relevant information correctly. Another mistake applicants make is submitting the information in the form of a paper document. Make sure you’re only submitting an electronic record.


Most applicants assume that the UK immigration process is straightforward, and that they’ll get through it on their own. This is untrue. Depending on the complexities of your individual case, the visa process can be very lengthy and complicated.

While the internet can point you in the right direction, it’s also possible to come across erroneous information on it.

This is why you should only trust a professional immigration solicitor. They’ll walk you through immigration rules properly and will make sure everything is in line with guidelines.


Wembley Solicitors has some of the best immigration lawyers in the country on board. Get in touch to make sure your immigration appeals are successful.

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