Common Reasons for Refusal of UK Spouse Visa

Getting a UK spouse visa has become more difficult and complicated with all the recent changes in the immigration laws, eligibility requirements, and additional costs of the application. Stories of couples and loved ones being separated and unable to be with each other for years have become quite common these days. This can be very disheartening for any new applicant that’s trying for a spouse visa.

The most important part of getting the spouse visa approved is having a clear understanding of the reasons that can get your application rejected.

Let’s have a look at some of the most common grounds for refusal of a spouse visa:

Incorrect application form

There are a number of application forms available on the UKVI website. While making an online application, navigating through the numerous types of forms and choosing the right one can be confusing. Most forms are similar to each other with only slight differences depending on factors such as country of origin, type of visa, financial status, etc. Filling out the wrong form will most definitely get your application rejected.

Incomplete forms and documents

The immigration forms are quite long with several parts that all need to be filled properly. It’s entirely possible that you might overlook a specific part or forget to check a small box. The UKVI department goes through each form with a fine-toothed comb to identify any left-out parts or discrepancies.

Check the form multiple times and make sure you’ve attached all the correct documents to reduce the chance of refusal. If you forget any documents such as the English language certification or attach documents that are false, you’re probably looking at an immediate refusal of the visa application.

Wrong or incomplete financial information

According to the latest requirements, only a person earning over £18,600 can sponsor their spouse to come over to the UK. It’s important to attach proof of income to ensure the government that you can support your family financially. The bank statements attached with the applications should be original and verified by the bank itself.

Criminal history

A person with a criminal history will most definitely get their application rejected. However, in case of some minor crimes or unfair incarceration, it may be possible to get the visa approval. But it’ll require extensive documented proof of innocence and the legal proceedings. It’ll also help the applicant if the crime was a long time ago, and since then, the applicant has been a model citizen.

Need Help with Your Spouse Visa Application?

Are you overwhelmed with all the required documents and information by the UK Home Office? Why not hire a professional solicitation firm to help you make a spouse visa application that has the best chance of approval?

Wembley Solicitors is one of the leading law firms in London that offers expert immigration services. We can help you make your visa application without any hassle and within the shortest amount of time!

To know more, contact us today at 020 3417 3700.

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