Dealing with Accidents at Workplace

Workplace accidents can be very costly—both for the employees and employers. And even though majority of them are preventable, sometimes, despite exercising and implementing the best risk averse strategies and safety measures, they still happen.

They are inevitable.

Today, we take a look at the responsibilities of an employer, in an event where a workplace accident does happen.

Ensuring that the Injured Employee Receives First Aid Immediately

Your first responsibility as an employer is to ensure that proper protocols are in place to deliver first aid to the injured employee on a prompt basis.

If the injury is serious, the employee must be taken to a nearby hospital, with the employer being legally responsible to facilitate the transfer.

Maintaining an Accident Log Book

Once the injured employee has been medically facilitated, the employer must then ensure that the accident is recorded in an Accident Log Book.

At times, there will be situations where you may not be able to oversee the proceedings, hence, it’s important that you have a system in place to ensure everything is handled appropriately.

Communicating your employees about what they need to do in such situations would help to keep the deployed system intact and functional.

Reporting the Accident

As an employer, it’s your legal responsibility to report workplace accidents to the Incident Contact Centre of the Health and Safety Executive.

Yes, you might be putting your reputation at line by doing so, but it puts you in a favourable light and gives off the impression of being a responsible employer who cares for the employees.

Helping Your Employees with the Filing of Accident at Work Claims

Employers have the responsibility to assist the injured employee in filing the accident at work claim. You should educate your employees on how to file for a claim, the documents and certificates that they need to attach with their claim form, and how the process is supposed to proceed to completion.

In a situation like this, employers who act responsibly are generally the ones who are perceived in good light, adding to the company’s reputation and leading to a stronger employee-employer relationship.

Need Professional Help?

Our team of personal injury solicitors can help you. We closely work with you and with your employees, legally facilitating the accident at work claim process, imparting the best advice to work towards a solution that fairly compensates both the involved parties. Contact us for consultation.

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