Divorce in the UK All you need to know

Do you believe your marriage is not working out and has become a burden?

Maybe it’s time to call it a day and end your relationship. In England and Wales, you can file a divorce if the following unfortunate events have occurred:

  • Adultery
  • Unreasonable Behavior
  • Separation

Another condition to file a divorce is, you must be married for more than ONE YEAR

The Step Divorce:

File A Divorce Petition:

This is an application to the court for a divorce permission. You must provide details about how the relationship is not working and why you want it to be over. You must include the following in the documents:

Complete name and addresses of yourself & spouse

Copy of the marriage certificate

Details of any children even if grown up

Get the Decree Nisi

If you and your partner both agree to the divorce, then you get a decree nisi and you can proceed to the next step.

Get An Absolute Decree:

You need to wait 6 weeks after the decree nisi has been pronounced to apply for an absolute decree, which will legally end the marriage.

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