Divorce or Legal Separation, What’s Better for You?

There may come a time in your marital life when you and your spouse are unable to live together. Some people opt for divorce from their partners, while others consider legal separation. In either case, you cannot make the right decision alone, and an expert divorce solicitor may be able to give you the right advice.

But even before you approach a solicitor, you need to have your mind made up. You must be decisive on the future of your marriage and seek legal advice to implement it. So what exactly should you opt for? Divorce or legal separation, what’s better in your case. Here’s some help to get you started on the thought process.


Divorce ends a marriage, plain and simple. If you go through a divorce, then there’s no way for you and your spouse to reconcile. According to UK family law, properties, assets, liabilities, and finances are divided among the couple during a divorce. Similarly, a court arrangement is reached by the spouses regarding alimony, child custody, visitation, and other matters pertaining to the family.

Legal Separation

Much like divorce, a legal separation allows both spouses to part ways and live separately. During a separation, matters related to the joint assets, properties, child custody, and finances are agreed upon through a court order. However, a judicial separation allows you to avail certain insurance coverages, tax benefits, and pensions. In case of legal separation, the couple can reconcile through court proceedings.

An added benefit of legal separation is that while it’s flexible, you are not liable for your partner’s debts, tax liabilities, and credit card loans.


What’s Better?

Based on differentiating circumstances, couples opt for divorce or separation. Here are some reasons for you to consider legal separation.

There’s Hope

Firstly, if you and your spouse are still in love and feel that taking some time out may amend your relationship, you can opt for separation.

Financial Reasons

Some people opt for legal separation due to financial reasons. This allows them to divide their assets, protect themselves from liabilities, and avail some benefits.

Religious Reasons

Not all religions permit divorce. If a couple is unable to divorce each other due to religious constraints, legal separation is their option.

Seek Expert Advice

If your marriage is beyond repairable, then divorce is the last resort. However, if you’re looking to weigh your options, talk to us at Wembley Solicitors. Our divorce solicitors and family law solicitors in Wembley can help you get a divorce or judicial separation.

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