Documents You Need to Submit for Spouse Visa Application

Long distances can be hard. There is no reason you would want to live apart from your spouse after you get married. So, the best decision you can make is to have them move to your country. The visa process can be long, difficult, and the least exciting part of the whole moving process.

The good news is that you can live with your partner by getting a visa for your partner. Do you want to apply for a spouse visa in London? You should, because it is a great place to live!

Spouse Visa

Spouse Visa is a part of the UK Family Visa and is also known as the UK marriage visa. It works as a settlement visa that allows married partners to live in the UK with their British national spouse for two years and nine months. If you meet certain eligibility conditions, it can also be extended for another two years – and can ultimately lead to you getting British citizenship.

Holding a spouse visa means that you can get the rights to work in the UK like all British citizens, but you won’t be able to benefit from public funds, housing allowance, or other tax credits.

To Apply As a Partner or Spouse

Some things come into play when you are applying for a spouse or partner visa in the UK. To apply for the visa:

  • Both you and your partner need to be aged 18 years or over
  • You must have been living together for the past two years and have proof of it
  • You are in a civil partnership or marriage that the United Kingdom recognizes
  • You hold a Fiance Visaor are engaged and will be married within six months of being in the UK

If you can tick mark all of these things – you can move on to collecting all the documents that you’d need for your application.

Spouse Visa Document Requirements

These are the documents that you need to send to the home office for your spouse visa application.

  • marriage or civil partnership certificate
  • Proof of partners living together for at least two years
  • Valid passport
  • Valid English language requirement certificate
  • Accommodation proof
  • Proof that relationship is genuine
  • Proof of meeting income threshold and the financial requirement
  • Proof that you are married to a British citizen or settled person

Sounds like a lot to take in? That is why you should take advice from a trusted solicitor in the UK. Wembley Solicitors can help you get your spouse visa in London with a transparent and trusted process. All you need to do is reach out to us, and we will help you prepare all the required documents and successfully move your partner to live with you.

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