Don’t Let These Mistakes Undermine Your Accident at Work Claim

What would you do if you had an accident at work?

It’s a question of focus among employees, the answer to which is important in the context of your safety and the subsequent filing of accident at work compensation claim.

And thanks to the now widely available educational resources online, you can easily be facilitated with the information about the steps to take after sustaining injury at work.

But what about:

What NOT to do after sustaining injury at work?

The mistakes that could easily undermine your workers’ compensation claim.

In this post, we review some of these mistakes.

Mistake #1: Trusting Your Employer To Report Everything Honestly

This is not an indictment on all employers. In fact, most employers are aware of their responsibilities in event of a workplace accident—bar few. This small group of employers are likely to misreport the happenings during the incident, and as such, a failure to double check can put your claim into question.

Review the documents that your employer has submitted to the concerned authorities and maintain a paper trail for your own record.

Mistake #2: Not Gathering Enough Information from the Accident Scene

When filing for a workplace accident compensation claim, you will need every piece of evidence and information to make your case legitimate and strong.

Sometimes, in a priority to seek medical help—and understandably so—employees might not focus on gathering supporting evidence, and eventually may end up forgetting to do so.

It’s important that once you have recovered, you seek out to collect as much information as possible to make your claim strong. This includes recording accounts of witnesses and their contact details. Acquire and retain physical evidence—everything that can serve in your favour.

Mistake #3: Failure to Follow Recommended Treatment

Your doctor is there to help you with a full and speedy recovery. As such, the treatment instructions imparted by your doctor should be staunchly followed.

If you fail to do so, and your doctor tells the concerned department that you are not following the recommended treatment, there is every chance that your claimed benefits might get revised or revoked.

Keep record of the medical papers, in case, if a need arises in future where you get wrongly accused of not following the doctors’ orders.


Recovering from a workplace injury and dealing with the involved legal issues surrounding your claim for compensation can be painful and arduous. As such, avoiding these mistakes can make the whole situation a little bit easier to deal with.

Need our help with filing your accident at work claim? Call us at 020 3417 3700 or drop us an email at info@wembleysolicitors, and our expert personal injury solicitors would be happy to serve you.

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