Don’t Let Your Kids Be Casualties of Domestic Violence!

The issue of domestic violence is prevalent in the UK.

According to the report, Domestic abuse in England and Wales: year ending March 2017, 1.9 million adults in the UK were victim of domestic abuse last year.

Of these, 1.2 million were women, while 713000 were men.

This shows that domestic violence isn’t just a “woman’s” issue [as most people seem to think], it’s a “man’s” issue as well.

But what these figures fail to acknowledge is, there’s someone else in that home as well, silently listening to everything that is being said, ruefully watching the family being torn apart.

Your kids…

A study from NSPCC reveals, around 1 in 5 children in the UKget exposed to domestic violence.

Domestic violence: It isn’t just an “adult’s” issue…


But as long as they don’t see the actual fight, everything is fine—shut the doors, please.


Your children can witness domestic violence in many ways:

  • They may overhear the abuse whilst being in another room.
  • They may see your physical injuries later.
  • They may hear about it from someone else (for example, your maid).

Etc., etc.

And the witnessed incidents can have a negative impact on their psychological and physical development. These repercussions can often be severe and long lasting.

Of course, as a parent you would not want that to happen—you don’t want your kids to be casualties to cases of domestic violence.

In such situations, it’s better to come out in the open and talk to them about it. You don’t have to go into details of the fights that happen between you and your partner; the objective of your conversation should be to reassure them that they are not at fault and that violence is wrong. Listen to what they’ve to say.

Where the situation is too serious, your children might be willing to live with one parent as they’re likely to feel far more secure that way.

Talk to them about it. If they express such a wish, look for possible options where you can move with your kids to another home. Where there’s no alternative, you can apply for an occupation order in the Family Court. An occupation order is sought in cases where the victim of a domestic abuse want to expel the abuser from home, so that they and their children can live peacefully. But we strongly advise you to consult a family law solicitor before taking any such step.

Where can you find a licensed family law solicitor who should be able to guide you in the matter?

You can always reach out to us; Wembley Solicitors is more than willing to help you and your children from being victims of domestic abuse.

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