Draw the Line: What Do to When Your Neighbour’s Pet Trespasses onto Your Property

Sure, animals are cute with their furry coats and bushy tails. But when your neighbour’s pet sneaks into your garden, only to cause mayhem, you wish there was some way to legally hold your neighbour responsible.

But so many homeowners don’t know their legal rights. You probably know that your neighbour can’t trespass onto your property. But what about their pets? Can your neighbour be held responsible if their pets sneak onto your property?

Here’s all you need to know:

It Depends On The Type Of Pet They Have

The law for domestic animals trespassing can be found in the Animals Act 1971. But there are certain types of animals that the law won’t act against.

Cats are one the animals included on the list. This is because cats are the types of animals that roam around freely, whilst dogs are usually tied up or kept in kennels.

Therefore, you can’t hold the owner legally responsible for where their cat goes.

In Case of Nuisance

But there is one thing that can be done if your neighbour’s pet is being a nuisance. If the situation calls for it, and the animal is a disturbance to the general public, damaging properties and causing mayhem, then you have the right to take legal action.

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, you have the right to take your neighbour to court if their pet has done major damage to your property.

The defendant will then have to pay for the damage done and cost of repairs. These types of cases can be brought in the County Court or the High Court.

Your neighbour will also have to make sure that their pet is kept in a safe environment, and if need be, kept away from your property.

What You Can Do

You are allowed to use certain scents to deter cats and other animals from trespassing into your property. You can also use prickly plants. But it is considered a criminal offence under the Protection of Animals Act 1911 and the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to give poison to an animal, or harm them in any way.

These are just a few things you should know about when it comes to your legal rights. For further information, it’s best to consult a solicitor.

Wembley Solicitors offers professional services regarding various types of law in the U.K, so you can reach a financial settlement that would work in your favour.

If you’re looking for a solicitor, feel free to contact us through email or call 020 3417 3700 to book an appointment.

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