Everything You Need To Know About Extending Your Partner’s UK Spouse Visa

Beyond the occasional disagreements between you and your partner – it’s perfectly normal — everything has been rosy and smooth in your relationship. You both love spending time with each other, in your own small happy world. Alas, there is a looming dark cloud just on the horizon…

Your partner’s UK spouse visa is about to expire,and if not extended, your partner could be forced to leave the country. The two of you could be separated. Bubble, popped!

Worry not, for we’ve got you covered. We have compiled a guide for you that aims to answer all your questions about what you need to do to renew your partner’s visa.

So, without any further ado, and with your permission, let’s get started…

First Things First

For those of you who are unsure or need more clarification on how long can your partner stay in the UK on a spouse visa, following is the standard timeframe defined by the Home Office:

A UK spouse visa, originally facilitates a stay of two years and six months. However, if you initially applied as a fiancée, fiancé or proposed civil partner, the permitted stay is for a period of 6 months.

Beyond this timeframe, the visa will expire.

What are the Requirements for a Renewal Application?

As far as the requirements are concerned for extension application to get approved by the Home Office, you need the following:

  • Documentary evidence that serves as a proof of relationship between the two of you.
  • Financial documents that prove you can support your spouse’s stay in the country. You should at least have cash savings of £62,500 and annual gross income of £18,600.
  • Supporting evidence that corroborates you and your partner have been living in the UK.
  • Proof of English proficiency.

What is the Earliest Date You Can Apply for an Extension?

The UK Visas & Immigration recommends that any renewal application should not be made more than 28 days before the due date of visa expiration. You can apply even earlier than that, but it might affect the chances of visa application approval.

A Humble Suggestion

Lastly, on our part, we would humbly like to suggest that advance preparation is the key to getting your partner’s UK spouse visa application approved. Gather all the relevant documents that comply with the legal requirements, beforehand, and where you find yourself being stuck, seek for professional help.

If you have any more questions about the application process, feel free to reach out—our expert and experienced UK immigration lawyers will be happy to serve you.


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