Everything You Need To Know About Filing a Personal Injury Claim

Getting hurt and injured is already stressful enough. You have tons of medical bills you need to pay; you need to address the mental distress it caused you as well as the time you had to take off work because of it. But if the injury wasn’t your fault, to begin with, how do you ask for compensation? This is where a personal injury claim comes in.

Most of the time, the most confusing thing is figuring out whether you qualify for a personal injury claim in the first place. Assume that you are driving at an intersection when you get hit on the side of your car, which results not only in a damaged car but also in a concussion and a couple of broken ribs. You are sure that the light was green when you were crossing the intersection, which means that the person who hit you must have run a red light. In that case, you would be eligible for filing a personal injury claim.

A personal injury claim isn’t limited to car accidents, but it encompasses all injuries you sustained due to other people, whether they be physical, mental, or emotional. So how can you file a personal injury claim?


Collect Evidence

Don’t be foolish and avoid medical attention after an injury; you never know what might be wrong with your internal. You can document your injuries in the hospital while still getting treatment for them. Aside from the injury, also document other damages and all the medical treatment you receive. It can also be helpful to document how the injury has changed life for the claimant.


Get Legal Consultation

While most personal injury claims can be settled with an intervention from the court, it is always better to hire or at least consult a lawyer that deals with injury claims before you go ahead with filing your claim.

Establish Negligence and File Your Claim

Before filing your claim, you have to find evidence that the person who committed the accident was negligent and failed to use care and follow the law. After you have found sufficient evidence to back up your claim, you can finally file for an injury claim. You need to inform the perpetrator using a notice which is often delivered by court officials.

Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer In the UK

To get sentencing in your favour, you should hire a lawyer that specializes in personal injury law like Wembley Solicitors. To help you with your claims, we have a team of highly experienced lawyers that not only deal with personal injury law but also specialize in UK immigration law.

Contact us now to file a personal injury claim or to find out more information about our immigration lawyers.

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