Fighting for Child Custody: The Challenges

In the UK, as in other countries, child custody laws decide which parent will bear the responsibility of a child after the parents separate.

For both separated and divorced parents in the UK, joint custody is a common outcome. This dictates that both parents bear equal responsibility for the child. If a decision about the child needs to be made, both parents have a say in it.

However, that is, of course, for cases that go smoothly. A lot of times, things can and do get ugly.

And that’s when you find out just how many challenges come with fighting for child custody.

Parental Legal Disputes

Ugly disputes often end up playing out in front of a family court judge. There’s much talk about access, custody, finances, and more.

Whatever the narrative, the judge will always make a decision based on their understanding of the wellbeing of the child. These disputes lead to either agreed or joint residency, based on the best interests of all those involved.

Joint residency really is the best outcome, since it ensures that both parents do their parts equally. This also ensures that the child’s psychological development isn’t affected, which tends to happen when they are separated from one parent.

Custody Disputes

When the situation isn’t ideal, the parents—and at times, a third party such as a grandparent—are involved in a dispute over the chid. The court usually prefers a parent over a grandparent—but there are always exceptions.

In the event that the court finds one parent’s behaviour, history, or circumstances unfit for the child’s wellbeing, the other parent gets full custody.

Challenges in Fighting for Custody

Usually, when marriages end on an ugly note, the first problem is always communication. It’s understandable that you wouldn’t want to even talk to your ex-spouse, but you have to—because there’s a child involved. And if you cannot bring yourself to converse, try and get a third party to mediate.

You need to get things like visitation rights, finances, and other legalities figured out. If your spouse is abusive or manipulative, there is legitimate cause for concern.

The best thing to do in such cases is to find yourself a child custody lawyer and let them do all the legal weightlifting.

Child Custody Solicitors in the UK

Wembley Solicitors has a team of child custody attorneys who can help you with all the challenges that you come across.

You can contact us online and discuss your details with us.

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