Filing for Divorce? Discuss These 3 Things with Your Divorce Solicitor

Reaching that decision was not easy for you – after all, giving up on something that was once most dear to you, is not easy and it has never been easy for anyone been in this position.

But now that you have decided to part ways with your spouse after assessing everything holistically, friend, trust in your judgement. This is the best decision you could have made for the future of both of you and those associated with you.

With everything decided, your next step would likely be to consult your divorce solicitor. You would want your divorce solicitor to set things up for quick execution; you want the process to be painless as possible.

But it’s not just your lawyer friend who ensures that, a little cooperation is needed from your end as well.  You must know in advance what to discuss with your lawyer – the matters of importance. It would help you save time and would enable your lawyer to provide you a focused support on all levels.

Property Issues

On dissolution of marriage, the one thing that is likely be a contentious subject is the division of marital property and assets between you and your spouse. The challenge lies with determining and separating marital property from non-matrimonial property.

Unfortunately, the UK law is vague when it comes to holding out for a distinction between the two types of properties. Therefore, it’s important that whatever property and assets you own, you disclose it to your lawyer. Give complete details of the acquisition period and how the financial transaction was carried out for the solicitor to evaluate your case comprehensively.

Issues Relating to Child Support  

Child support is another important matter to discuss with your divorce solicitor. Even though both the parents are obligated by law to provide child support, the contribution from each of the parent may vary depending on their financial ability.

As a parent, you would want your child’s present and future to remain secured and not suffer because of the legal divorce. List down the expenses incurred in child care. Discuss it with your solicitor and address how much you are liable to pay to safeguard the financial interest of your children.

Issues Relating to Spousal Support

Your divorce may legally entitle you to provide spousal support, and being a highly complex area of law, it’s important that you discuss it with your divorce solicitor.

When it comes to determining the amount of alimony required to be paid in spousal maintenance, the court factors in different considerations including the length of marriage, the couple’s physical health, their age, their standard of living, each spouse’s earning capacity etc.

Discussing it beforehand with your lawyer would help in identifying a convenient solution for yourself.

No matter how skilled and experienced your lawyer is, he or she can only leverage the information that you provide. The more openly you discuss these contentious matters of high importance, the greater the support your divorce solicitor would be able to provide you with.

Looking for a Divorce Solicitor in London?

We are here to help you. We employ a team of legal experts and professionals who will take care of all your needs related to divorce, from mediating to filing of petitions and then getting the process done in the most efficient manner. Contact us to schedule a consultation.

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