Finding The Right Family Solicitor For Your Needs

It is an unfortunate fact that in the last couple of years conflicts in families have increased quite significantly. According to research studies, as of 2016, forty-two percent of the marriages in the United Kingdom ended in divorce. The conflicts between couples generally tend to be quite ugly and more often than not end in court amidst hostilities.

However, these days this problem has become avoidable due to the presence of family solicitors. It is the job of the solicitor to represent the client in the best possible way while at the same time ensuring that they do not violate the code of conduct. However choosing the ideal solicitor is not an easy task. Several firms offer solicitation services related to matters of the family law. Here are some of the things that will serve as a guide to choosing a divorce solicitor:

Is the solicitor a specialist in family law?

A specialist in the field of family will be more capable of handling the issues that you face as opposed to a general solicitor. There is a difference between family law and other legal areas.

The credibility of solicitor

It is important that the solicitor be registered with the Law society and regulated by the Solicitors regulation authority. The society and the resolution both have schemes, which require a certain degree of knowledge and skills. A solicitor with accreditation will be better able to represent your interests.

Is the solicitor a member of the resolution

In the United Kingdom over 6000 specialist divorce lawyers are members of the resolution. The members of the resolution adhere to the code of conduct, which dictates that they should settle all the disputes in a non-confrontational manner. The resolution also seeks to come up with the solutions that are beneficial for the entire family. They specially seek to take decisions while keeping the interest of children in mind.

Do they charge a reasonable fee

It is very hard to predict the costs that you will eventually have to cover. Therefore, we suggest that you hire a solicitor that charges you a reasonable fee. You can visit two different solicitors to get a better idea on the rates. Normally solicitors charge their clients on an hourly basis. Select the one that you feel is the most reasonable.

How does the solicitor plan to handle your case?

A solicitor’s job is to resolve your issue as amicably as possible without any kind of conflict. You do not want to resolve the issue in court. It is expensive and a very painstaking task. It also tends to on for a long period and is quite costly. An ideal solicitor is one who manages to negotiate a settlement, which is acceptable to all parties.

What is the culture of the firm

A large commercial firm might not give as much priority to family law matters. For such firms family law is just another one of the services that they offer. You would certainly not want such a firm to represent you.

We at Wembley Solicitors understand the importance of family law. We have some of the best family law solicitors and divorce solicitors in London on our team that will help you in resolving all of your issues as amicably as possible.

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