For the Landlords in the UK: How to Deal with Unpaid Rent

Your current tenant has not paid their rent, and frankly, you’re getting tired of the excuses. You want to take action, but as a new landlord, you might not know exactly where to begin or what to do.

Here’s what you need to do…

Don’t Delay a Response

Being a couple of days late on the rent is not a big issue. However, if your tenant has a habit of being tardy by weeks, then this is a recurring problem and you must take the right step. Send them a rent demand letter, letting them know that they’re missing payments. Typically, tenants respond quickly if they’re reminded of having missed a payment.

Talk to the Tenant

If the tenant hasn’t been able to pay the rent, find out why. They may have legitimate reasons. For example, their bank’s system may be down, they may have switched banks, or they may be having trouble at work, which may be affecting their income. Communicate with them before taking any legal steps.

Consider Setting up a Payment Plan

If the tenant has been regular with their payments, consider setting up a repayment plan. This can be useful for the tenant as well as the landlord, especially if you’ve had a good relationship with one another and want to continue with the tenancy.

End their Tenancy

If you’re certain that the tenant will not be able pay the rent, it’s best to just end the tenancy. Talk to your tenant and make sure you both mutually agree to the termination. This will allow you to move on and find a new tenant and will also minimise any financial damage you may have suffered, had you continued to let that tenant live on your property.

Evict the Tenant from the Property

If—even after termination of the tenancy agreement—the tenant refuses to leave the property and is not paying rent, the next logical step should be eviction.

In this situation, you’ll need to give an Eviction notice. You will also need to make a claim via the Small Claims court to reclaim the rent arrears, if you want. However, if the tenant isn’t able to repay the debt, it’s unlikely they’ll be able to pay the money owed.

Need Help?

Wembley Solicitors can help you take the right legal step for your property. As experts in the field, we’ve helped resolve numerous landlord and tenant disputes.

Contact us today at 020 3417 3700 and tell us details of your case!

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