Frequently Asked Questions About Filing For Divorce In The UK

Whether you are married, about to get married, or looking to file for divorce, it’s important to know how divorce works in the UK. Here are some frequently asked questions answered by our experts.

Is online divorce possible?

You can get a divorce online but need to be extremely cautious when doing so. While there are good precedents online, you need to choose a platform that’s compliant with divorce courts. You will have to complete the divorce petition when filing for divorce online, including paying the court fee and fee for the online service.

It’s advised that you get in touch with a professional for the divorce settlement.


Can divorce be put on hold?

If a couple decides to make things work after filing for divorce or perhaps don’t want to get divorced anymore for whatever reason, they can put the divorce proceedings on hold. Both parties need to draw up an application to withdraw their divorce application.

Couples that have reached decree nisi need to decide whether they want to withdraw from proceedings or want to put it on hold to figure out whether reconciliation is possible. If it’s been a year since the decree nisi was granted, you need to apply to the court to inform them of any changes in circumstances, such as children born since.

Can divorce happen while a spouse is pregnant?

One common question we are asked is whether or not pregnancy affects divorce proceedings. Often couples looking to get divorced might get pregnant or might want to file for divorce during pregnancy too. Most experts advise against getting divorced when pregnant as pregnancy can be emotionally and physically draining, and divorce proceedings will only cause further stress to the expectant mother.

However, if the divorce does take place during pregnancy, there will be liabilities for the child’s expenses once the child is born, as the father is liable for financial obligations.

Wembley Solicitors offers a wide range of legal services to assist you with your legal needs. We can help you with your application for a spouse visa in London, personal injury claims, family law, commercial lease, etc. Whether you want to legally separate, get a divorce, or have a pre-nuptial agreement drawn up, get in touch with us at 078 8290 0289.


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