Getting Divorced On The Grounds Of Unreasonable Behaviour—Here’s Everything You Need To Know

According to statistics, 42% of marriages in England and Wales end in divorce. While divorces are common in the UK, the process of getting one isn’t straightforward. When a couple wants to get divorced, they require a valid reason to legally terminate their marriage.

One of the most common grounds that the couple used as a reason to dissolve their marriage is unreasonable behaviour. But what constitutes unreasonable behaviour?

Unreasonable behaviour in divorce

From a legal perspective, unreasonable behaviour can be described as a behaviour that one spouse finds unacceptable and is deemed serious enough by the court to grant a divorce. It’s a viable ground for divorce as it can lead to emotional and/or physical damage.

In order to seek a divorce, it’s important that a spouse must be able to demonstrate that their marriage is not working due to the behaviour of the other spouse (or unless they committed adultery).

Examples of unreasonable behaviour

Here are some of the common examples of unreasonable behaviour in divorce:

  • Abusive behaviour
  • Lies and dishonesty
  • Lack of intimacy
  • Refusal to participate in family life
  • Relationship with someone else (not adultery)
  • Excessive spending without any good reason, leading to financial strain

How to demonstrate unreasonable behaviour?

It’s important for the spouse who’s looking to part ways to satisfy the court that the other spouse has unacceptable behaviour and that they cannot reasonably expect to live together. When a court is evaluating the case, they assess whether a right-thinking person would reach a conclusion that both parties can live together or not.

To be more precise, the court uses three tests to determine the reasonableness of the presumable behaviour. First, they examine what did the spouse do, then they examine the impact of that behaviour on the other spouse, and finally, they take these two factors and other evidence to conclude whether spouses can be expected to continue their marriage.

Why hiring a lawyer is important?

When looking to get a divorce on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour, it’s important to hire an experienced divorce lawyer. They will keep your legal rights protected throughout the divorce process and tell you about all the options available to you, enabling you to choose the best route according to your circumstances.

Looking for a divorce solicitor?

We specialize in various fields of law, including family law, children law, personal injury, and more. To learn about how to get a divorce on the ground of unreasonable behaviour, contact us today and schedule an appointment. Call 020 3417 3700 for more details!

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