Handling Boundary Disputes in the UK

Good walls make good neighbours, they say. But good walls don’t ensure you won’t get into a boundary dispute with a neighbour!

Don’t believe us?

Two neighbours in Constantine had transformed their houses into “fortresses.” The battle was for a 3-inch extension. Toward the end of the 8-year legal war, a ceasefire was announced, with one family having to pay £600,000. Yep, they lost a 31-year-old home due to a 3-inch extension.

How to Deal with a Boundary Dispute in the UK

The first thing you should do is to talk to your neighbour. Communication is the key to solving all your grievances.

Get your neighbour out for a chat and discuss the issue with them. Keep it cordial and gentle. Don’t be aggressive and make it look like you’re dedicated to working a solution out.

But What if We Can’t Work a Solution Out?

Of course, there will always be families like the one in Constantine. What should you do when you’re faced with such a family?

Outside help is the next course of action. You can either ask a third party (known to both of you, and someone who is not partial to either of you) to mediate.

If mediation doesn’t work out and you see this whole situation moving precariously towards outright confrontation, you should get legal counsel.

Getting Legal Counsel for a Boundary Dispute

As we’ve mentioned already, boundary disputes in the UK can get ugly. There’s no telling when you’ll be slapped with a fine or a judgement, and there’s absolutely no telling how long a legal battle can go.

One of the first things you need to work out is to determine the boundaries. If you’re unsure (let’s say there’s a fence at the boundary that you can’t determine the ownership of), try and talk to a real estate agent or your local authority to work them out.

Where Can I Get Legal Counsel?

Wembley Solicitors offers legal counsel and help to UK residents for boundary disputes. You can get in touch with us by contacting us here. We’ll need the details of your case, and will take it from there.


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