Hit And Run Accident: Should You Settle Or Sue?

Many people do not recognise that they can make a personal injury claim for a hit and run accident.These claims can result in either a settlement or a lawsuit. Although each hit and run accident is different, you can take the responsible party to court.


The following is a basic overview of both options:

Hit and run accident – Explained

A hit and run accident is when a car vehicle driver collides into another vehicle, pedestrian or onto private property and fails to stop at the scene.

A hit and run accident is a crime as the driver left the accident scene without helping the affected individual.

If you or a loved one has suffered a personal injury following a hit and run accident, you have the legal right to seek compensation for your injury-related losses, including medical expenses, lost salary and more. The Motor Insurers Bureau is the primary organisation in the UK dealing with victims of hit and run injuries.


It is also important to seek expert legal representation to help you fight for your claim and ensure you are compensated properly. A competent solicitor will help you understand your legal rights as well as the entire legal process.

Settle vs. sue

Many people choose to settle a hit and run injury case outside court because they receive compensation faster.

At the same time, they do not wish to appear in court proceedings multiple times. Going to court is a costly decision. Since many people do not want to pay high legal fees, they prefer to reach an agreement outside court. Also, there is no guarantee that the court decision will be in their favour.

However, settlement is not advisable in certain cases. For example, if the concerned party fails to respond to your demand letter, then you may want to take them to the court.

Whether you decide to settle or sue, the most important thing is to get the right legal representation. That is the key to getting 100% compensation. Depending on the case severity, it can conclude in six months or more. If you have sustained minor injuries, you can receive compensation within six months. On the other hand, serious injuries call for proper investigation which can take longer.

To get free advice about your personal injury claim, book an appointment with our professional personal injury specialists now. Call 020 3417 3700 and see how our experts can help you.

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